Soulful Gathering

Soulful Gathering


Soulful Gathering: A Women's Circle

This online circle is based on nurturing your Beliefs, unveiling your Dreams, and anchoring your Souls.

Duration: 2 hr 30 mins.

This women's circle session is set as a safe place to provide you a supportive and empowering space so you can explore and share your innermost thoughts and aspirations.

Opening Ritual


Guided Discussion on Beliefs

Dream Mapping


Anchors Reflection

Closing Circle

This will be a nurturing space for self-discovery, mutual support, and the cultivation of shared dreams and values.

What will you need:

You will need a candle, and a sage bundle to burn if you feel comfortable using one, a notebook and different coloured pens, and water.  

Please note this is an interactive session, you will need your camera on.

Joining instructions including Zoom link will be shared nearer the time.

Only 10 available
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